
In the previous TECH Updates, we discussed the types of application monitoring and some knowledge about application logging. We also discussed the example of monitoring and observability services and the time series databases we can use to store telemetry data. In this edition, we will discuss the standard that is widely used when implementing application observability, which is OpenTelemetry.

OpenTelemetry is an open-source observability framework for instrumenting, generating, collecting, and exporting telemetry data, such as traces, metrics, and logs. It offers vendor-agnostic APIs, SDKs, and other tools to work with the data. Any service provider can implement a backend system for the collected data based on the standard.

Before OpenTelemetry, all backend platforms have their own definition and implementation regarding telemetry data processing. Each application must instrument the code in a specific format depending on the backend platform. We must re-instrument the code if the application needs to change the backend or broadcast telemetry data to multiple platforms. With OpenTelemetry, we don’t need to make radical changes because everything has been standardized.

Telemetry Data

Telemetry data, or signal, is the output collected from system sources. There are three primary data that are usually observed:

  • Log: a text record of an event that occurred at a specific point in time.
  • Metric: a numerical number that is calculated over a period of time.
  • Trace: represents a complete end-to-end journey of a request through a distributed system.

Individually logs, metrics, and traces serve different purposes. But together, they provide the comprehensive and detailed insights needed to understand and troubleshoot distributed systems.


OpenTelemetry is made up of several components:

  • Specification: it describes the requirements and expectations for all implementations. It consists of the definitions of API, SDK, and data.
  • Collector: it is a vendor-agnostic proxy that can receive, process, and export telemetry data in various formats and sends it to one or more backends.
  • SDK: it is a set of language-specific libraries that consumes the OpenTelemetry API to do various tasks.
  • Automatic Instrumentation: OpenTelemetry supports many components that generate relevant telemetry data from popular libraries and frameworks for supported languages. Using automatic instrumentation may differ from language to language.


OpenTelemetry offers several benefits:

  • Easy to use: It is business-friendly and helps achieve objectives. It provides developers and engineers with a complete manual that helps them discover bugs faster, reports them, and repair them immediately, saving time and resulting in positive results.
  • Consistency: OpenTelemetry provides a consistent path for capturing telemetry data and transmitting it to a backend without changing instrumentation, offering a de facto standard for adding observability to cloud-native apps. Developers and IT can now devote more time to creating new app features rather than wrestling with their instrumentation.
  • Simpler choice: Organizations had to select between OpenTracing or OpenCensus before OpenTelemetry, each of which took a different strategy to obtain observability. OpenTelemetry is the combination of the two frameworks which will give you the best of both in a single solution.
  • Streamlined observability: Developers can monitor application usage and performance metrics with OpenTelemetry from any device or web browser. This user-friendly interface makes tracking and analyzing observability data in real-time a breeze.

Vendor supports

Many vendors support OpenTelemetry. The following are well-known vendors that you might know:

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