Application Logging

A couple of weeks ago, we featured the importance of Application Monitoring, which should be a default setup in every project. The most basic type of monitoring is the logging system.

In this week’s issue, we will take you to look at some items considered best practices in modern applications logging systems.

Store data in external storage

Storing logging data in the external storage will give the following advantages:

  • we can host the application in a read-only environment, which is good for scalability and security
  • we can analyze the data independently without burdening the primary application resources
  • we can preserve the data as long as we want, without depending on the availability of the application host

Use proper severity level

It is essential to use the proper severity levels to distinguish between signals and noises. The following (simplify) guidance will help you to decide which level to be used for specific logging data:

  • Critical (5): use this if the application fails to run at all
  • Error (4): use this to log errors that prevent functionalities to work as expected
  • Warning (3): use this to log any issues that don’t need immediate correction but potentially cause problems in the future
  • Information (2): use this to log application events that can be used for analytical insights to understand how the application operates
  • Debug (1): use this to log temporary data to be used for debugging activity
  • Trace (0): use this only in a library package. It will help external users to resolve integration issues.

Strip out sensitive information

By nature, we rarely look at the logging storage until there’s an issue in the application, which makes us not know if the logging data contain information that shouldn’t be there.

These are the example of sensitive information that is commonly found in the logging data:

  • username and password
  • credit card information
  • personal data
  • private keys
  • access token

Be familiar with the analysis tool

Without a proper analysis tool, logging data is just a collection of useless noises. We need a tool to help us dig the insights from the application logs, especially in critical moments that require immediate actions.

Azure Monitoring is a powerful tool and a bit complex at the same time because it has advanced features to analyze the logging data. All Engineers need to have the basic skill to use the tool to read and study the logging data.

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