Time Series Database

Last week, we learned that it is best to store logging data for modern applications in external storage. When you look at some logging implementations, you will find that they usually utilize a special-purpose database called Time Series Database (TSDB).

TSDB is designed to store and retrieve data records associated with timestamps. The timestamps provide a critical context for each of the data points in how they are related to others. The order of the data points is vital and is a native characteristic of the data.

Unlike the other general-purpose databases, which usually support the CRUD (create, read, update, delete) functionality very well, TSDB only focuses on the insert and read operations. While some TSDB providers still include the data modification functionality, doing such actions is usually considered harmful to the data integrity.

In real-world projects, TSDB is not only used as the storage for application logging. It’s also usually found in any system that continuously captures the flow of data, like the Internet of Things (IoT) environment and intraday stock prices.

The following providers are the example of the well-known TSDB solutions in the market:

  • InfluxDB: it’s available open-source via the Cloud as a DBaaS option or through an Enterprise subscription
  • Prometheus: it’s an open-source service monitoring and alerting toolkit
  • TimescaleDB: it’s an open-source relational database built on top of PostgreSQL that makes SQL scalable for time-series data
  • Graphite: it’s an all-in-one solution for storing and efficiently visualizing real-time time-series data
  • QuestDB: it’s a relational column-oriented database that can perform real-time analytics on time-series data.
  • OpenTSDB: it’s a scalable time-series database that is written on top of HBase

By having a bit of knowledge of this time-series database, now we have one more tool in our toolbox that might be useful to solve some problems in the projects. While it is a safe option to utilize the general-purpose database when starting a new project, we always need to think critically if some cases can be handled more efficiently by using a different kind of database.

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