Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is not new in distributed computing or the client-server architecture. It allows the client to invoke functionalities in the remote servers as if it’s just invoking local functions. The primary use of RPC is to hide the existence of the network.

gRPC is a modern, open-source, high-performance RPC framework that can run in any environment. It originated from Google and is now maintained as part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) ecosystem.

vs. REST

Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that leverages HTTP as the standard communication protocol for dealing with resources defined in an API.

gRPC is actually built on top of HTTP/2 protocol. However, HTTP is not visible to the API developers or the servers. So, a high level of abstraction prevents the user from worrying about mapping the RPC concepts to HTTP.

Below are the main differences between them:

  • Payload: While REST can work with any message format, it typically accepts and returns JSON or XML in practice. gRPC accepts and returns Protobuf messages.
  • Protocol: REST uses HTTP (usually HTTP/1.1) protocol. gRPC uses the newer HTTP/2 protocol.
  • Browser Support: Since the REST incorporates HTTP/1.1, it receives broader browser support. The support for gRPC is more limited because it requires a proxy layer to convert it into HTTP/2.
  • Streaming: gRPC support bidirectional streaming, which is made possible by the use of HTTP/2. REST doesn’t have this capability.

Protocol Buffer

Protocol Buffer (or Protobuf) is the message standard used by gRPC as a contract between the client and remote service. The Protobuf compiler generates both client and service code for the target platform. The code contains the following components:

  • Strongly typed objects shared by the client and service represent a message’s service operations and data elements.
  • A strongly typed base class with the required network plumbing that the remote gRPC service can inherit and extend.
  • A client stub contains the required plumbing to invoke the remote gRPC service.

When to use gRPC?

You might want to consider implementing the gRPC model in the following use cases:

  • Lightweight microservice connections: gRPC provides a unique combination of low latency and high throughput communication. Thus it is the ideal choice for connecting lightweight microservice architectures where efficient message delivery is essential.
  • Real-time streaming: Real-time communications use gRPC’s ability to handle bidirectional streaming that enables you to send and receive messages in real-time.
  • Low power, low bandwidth network: gRPC uses serialized Protocol Buffer messages to provide lightweight messaging and increased efficiency. These features are suitable for IoT networks.

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