
Containerization is a technology to package an application and its dependencies in a standard way so that it will always behave similarly in different environments. After building the package into a read-only container image, we can create multiple instances from it that are entirely isolated from each other.

vs. Virtual Machine

At a high level, VMs virtualize the underlying hardware so that multiple operating system (OS) instances can run on the hardware. Each VM runs an OS and has access to virtualized resources representing the underlying hardware.

A container virtualizes the underlying OS and causes the containerized app to perceive that it has the OS and hardware all to itself. Because the underlying OS and infrastructure differences are abstracted, as long as the base image is consistent, the container can be deployed and run anywhere.

Since containers share the host OS, they don’t need to boot an OS or load libraries. It enables containers to be much more efficient and lightweight.


With microservices, a complex application is broken up into a series of smaller, more specialized services, each with its own database and its own business logic.

The concepts behind microservices and containerization are similar as both are software development practices that transform applications into collections of smaller services or components that are portable, scalable, efficient, and easier to manage.

A microservice developed within a container gains all of the inherent benefits of containerization: portability in terms of the development process and vendor compatibility (no vendor lock-in), as well as developer agility, fault isolation, server efficiencies, automation of installation, scaling and management, and layers of security, among others.


Containerization has taken a “secure-by-default” approach, believing that security should be inherent in the platform and not a separately deployed and configured solution. Containerized applications inherently have a level of protection since they can run as isolated processes and operate independently of other containers. It could prevent malicious code from affecting other containers or invading the host system.


Docker is an open-source platform that enables developers to build, deploy, run, update, and manage containers. While it is possible to create containers without Docker by working directly with the built-in OS capabilities, Docker makes containerization faster, easier, and safer. It is currently used by over 13 million developers to work with containerization.

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