
WebAssembly is a technology that makes it possible to run code in a modern web browser. Think of it as a small virtual machine in your browser that executes portable bytecode at near-native speed.

Many languages can be used to write codes that run on WebAssembly, like C++, C#, Rust, Python, Ruby, and more. Those languages have been used to write code for the server-side application before, but now they can also be used to write client-side applications.

But Why?

JavaScript has been the de-facto primary language that has run on the client-side for a long time and has worked well for the purpose. However, JavaScript often performs poorly in serving modern use-case computations, like 3D rendering, virtual reality, video editing, and other resource-intensive needs.

WebAssembly is a low-level, assembly-like language with a compact binary format that makes it possible to deliver near-native performance. It is capable of executing complex operations because it takes advantage of common hardware capabilities available on a wide range of platforms.

While WebAsembly seems like a good alternative to JavaScript, it is designed to complement and run alongside JavaScript. You can take advantage of WebAssembly’s performance and JavaScript’s flexibility by combining both in the same application.

Blazor WebAssembly

Blazor is a framework for building an interactive client-side web interface with .NET. There are many types of Blazor:

  • Blazor Server, which hosts the components on the server and makes use of SignalR to send the UI updates
  • Blazor WebAssembly, which makes use of the WebAssembly technology to run .NET inside web browsers
  • Blazor Hybrid, which blends the web and native technologies

.NET code executed via WebAssembly in the browser runs in the browser’s JavaScript sandbox with the protections that the sandbox provides against malicious actions on the client machine.

Blazor WebAssembly is a perfect alternative to JavaScript-based Single Page Application frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.

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