
WebSocket is a technology that makes it possible to open a bidirectional communication between the client and server, also known as full-duplex.

Contrary to the traditional HTTP, the WebSocket allows the connection between client and server to be maintained until one party closes the connection. It enhances user experience because it will enable faster and real-time conversation.

WebSocket is ideal for applications that require the frequent exchange of information—for example, real-time stock prices update, chatting applications, and multiplayer online games.

📗 What’s wrong with HTTP?

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) has been the go-to protocol when working with web applications. It had existed for a long time since websites were still relatively simple and mostly just static pages. It follows the classical client-server model, with the client opening a connection by making a request and waiting for the server to send the response.

The first problem with HTTP is that it operates unidirectionally, a one-way communication. If the client doesn’t make a request, it will not be able to get updated information from the server. If the server does a long-running process, the client can either do the HTTP polling (repeatedly send the requests at a specific interval - waste of traffic) or do the long-polling (the connection is kept open until the server responds or time out - blocking process). Either way, it isn’t the ideal solution to handle the scenario.

The second problem is that HTTP protocols send extra bytes of data when making requests. The extra bytes are used for the handshaking process with the server. It has become an overhead because they are sent repeatedly, although the data’s content is actually the same.

📗 SignalR

SignalR is an ASP.NET library that simplifies the process of adding real-time web functionality to an application. Real-time web functionality is the ability to have server code push content to connected clients instantly as it becomes available, rather than having the server wait for a client to request new data.

SignalR uses WebSocket transport where available and falls back to older transports where necessary, i.e., forever frame and long polling.

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