WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications) is a set of HTML attributes to improve the accessibility of a website. It complements the semantic elements in HTML5 by giving further meaning to them so browsers and assistive technologies can recognize and maximize its accessibility features.

There are three key components listed in the WAI-ARIA specifications: roles, properties, and states.

📗 Roles

Roles define what an element is or does. They are categorized as:

  • Document structure: most of the roles in this category are duplicates of the HTML semantic elements. However, there are roles without the HTML equivalent, like presentation, toolbar, or tooltip.
  • Widget: similar to the document structure roles, some widget roles duplicate the native HTML elements. Generally, widget roles require Javascript interaction to support the functionality, like scrollbar, searchbox, or slider.
  • Landmark: these roles provide a way to identify the organization and structure of a web page, like banner, contentinfo, or complementary.
  • Live region: the roles define elements with content that will dynamically change, like alert, log, or status.
  • Window: the roles define sub-windows to the main document window, like alertdialog or dialog.
  • Abstract: these roles are only intended to be used by browsers, not by developers writing HTML markup.

📗 Properties

Properties provide additional context or semantics to an element. For example, aria-required="true" or aria-labelledby="label". Properties are static and do not commonly change once defined.

📗 States

States define the current status of an element. States are special properties of an element that the value can change as a result of certain events. For example, aria-disabled="true".

While WAI-ARIA seems to be an important thing in a website, there are some things that are worth noting:

  • These attributes are not a replacement for semantic HTML. The correct HTML semantic is preferable to WAI-ARIA in most situations.
  • Instead of giving advantages, poor WAI-ARIA implementation could introduce barriers that affect people with disabilities. Always test and validate appropriately before delivering the website with WAI-ARIA enabled.
  • WAI-ARIA is not only for screen readers. Web browsers, JavaScript toolkits, screen magnifiers, and other tools may utilize these attributes to improve the accessibility of the websites.
  • Implementing WAI-ARIA attributes extensively may lead to complex HTML structure and unexpected behavior. It is a good idea to define the exact need and the level of accessibility before going in with full implementation.

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