Feature Flags

Feature Flag is a technique in software development to switch on or off a feature based on specific conditions. Many scenarios can take advantage of Feature Flags. These are a few samples of them:

  • You want to test feature changes in the non-production environments only. They shouldn’t be functional in the production until you’re sure it satisfies all requirements.
  • You want some features to be active in a specific region only.
  • You want to do A/B testing on a feature for a subset of users.
  • You want to show advanced features to the pro subscribers only.

In the trunk-based development, where every code change is directly pushed into the main branch, Feature Flags are one of the critical components that make the technique works. It makes the same code base can be deployed to different environments automatically, but with different behaviors depending on the Feature Flags setup.

However, please be aware that using Feature Flags excessively on an application could create a technical debt pitfall over time. They often get forgotten as the development team pivot toward new business deliverables. It is not uncommon to find that a development team just has no idea of the purpose of a config value when maintaining a legacy application. The safest thing to do is to keep it untouched with the default value at all times.

Let’s see what are the best practice to implement the Feature Flags then:

  • Make flag planning part of the feature design. It means that Feature Flags shouldn’t be an afterthought. You need to decide in advance if the flag will be a short-term or permanent flag.
  • Standardize the naming. It should be easy enough to know what the flag is doing just by reading the name. The developer who maintains the application in the future will thank you for this effort.
  • Minimize the reach of the flags. The focus of a flag should be small. Having a flag that controls more than one feature action at a time can be confusing and will make troubleshooting harder.
  • Review the usage regularly. Please don’t assume it will sit on the code base forever once you create a flag, even for the “permanent” ones. Otherwise, it will quickly give you a technical debt trap in the future. The frequency at which you review the flags may vary based on the business requirements.

We have implemented Feature Flags in many of the Polyrific projects. Let’s take the example from the Go Wandering application, we used Feature Flags to:

  • be able to switch databases between Cosmos DB and SQL Server
  • be able to switch mailing providers between SMTP and SendGrid
  • disable/enable the Facebook and Google login
  • disable/enable ReCaptcha
  • disable/enable content moderation/profanity filter
  • and many more

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